What Endometriosis Has Taught Me: Lessons in Strength and Self-Advocacy

Endometriosis has taught me this...

✨ To be more assertive ✨

Living with endometriosis has significantly shaped how I navigate both medical environments and my personal life. It's been a journey of learning to stand up for myself, advocate for my needs, and communicate more effectively—not just with healthcare professionals but also with myself. Here’s what I mean:

endometriosis surgery


  1. Assertive Communication:

    • “You’re actually really hurting me when you do that.”

    • “Can you use a smaller needle?”

    • “I don’t want that doctor to do this procedure again.”

    • “Can you explain exactly what you’ll be doing so I know what to expect in this appointment?”

    • “I don’t want that medication; what are my other options?”

Navigating the medical world with endometriosis means constantly advocating for your comfort and care. It's about asking questions, demanding explanations, and not settling for treatment that doesn’t feel right. Being assertive has empowered me to get the care I need and deserve.

To Myself:

  1. Self-Compassion:

    • “It’s okay if I can’t do that today.”

    • “I know I can do anything but not everything, so don’t feel like you have to.”

    • “Communicate what I want and if I need help.”

    • “Stop people pleasing; this is hard enough already to keep myself feeling good.”

Endometriosis has taught me to be kinder to myself, to set realistic expectations, and to acknowledge my limits without guilt. It's okay to rest, to say no, and to ask for help. This self-awareness has been crucial in maintaining my mental and emotional well-being.

Beyond Self-Care:

  1. Strength and Resilience: Despite the challenges, I’ve learned to keep showing up for myself. The promises I make to myself, my determination, tenacity, strength, and resilience have grown even stronger. Even when I’m tired of being 'strong' or hearing “keep fighting” or “I don’t know how you do it,” I remember that we have no other choice but to push through.

  2. Inspiration to Others: It's incredible to see how this mindset rubs off on my clients. When they share stories of advocating for themselves because of something I’ve said, or when their strength in the gym boosts their confidence in other areas of their lives, it’s a powerful reminder of the impact of self-advocacy.

Endometriosis is a tough road, but you’re tougher. This sentiment, shared by my first endometriosis doctor, has stuck with me and continues to fuel my journey.

Key Takeaways:

  • Assertive communication with healthcare professionals.

  • Self-compassion and setting realistic expectations.

  • Continuous self-advocacy and resilience.

  • The ripple effect of empowerment and confidence.

If you're on this journey too, remember to advocate for yourself, be kind to yourself, and keep showing up, no matter how tough it gets. Your strength is incredible, and it's okay to lean into that power.

Download our free guide on ‘Exercise with Endometriosis’ to learn more about how to align your fitness routine with your body’s needs. Take the first step towards a more empowered and balanced life. 💜

Endometriosis self-advocacy / Assertive communication in healthcare / Self-compassion with endometriosis / Resilience and strength with chronic illness / Empowerment through fitness / Exercise with endometriosis /Endometriosis support and resources


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