Unlock Your Trial Offer For Just $49

Experience Personalized Training with Our Exclusive 2 Week Introductory Trial Program

Is This You?

Are you feeling stuck in your fitness journey? Do any of these sound familiar?

  • Lack of Confidence: "I want to feel confident in my body and my workouts."

  • Struggling with Motivation: "I need support and accountability to stay on track."

  • Feeling Lost: "I don't know what to do on my own or if I'm using the right form/technique."

  • Fed Up: "I'm tired of not being happy with my body, not seeing results or knowing if this is the right thing for what my body needs."

If you’ve ever felt this way, you're not alone! Many of our clients started with the same frustrations. That’s why our introductory trial offer is the perfect solution to help you to get started, gain confidence, find motivation and receive the personalized support you need to succeed.

Picture yourself feeling stronger, more confident, in tune with your body and excited about your fitness journey. Here's what you can expect when you start with us:

  • Boosted Confidence: Imagine walking into the gym (or wherever you workout) knowing exactly what to do, with a personalized plan for your body and expert guidance. No more second-guessing yourself.

  • Unstoppable Motivation: With our dedicated trainers by your side, you'll have the support and accountability you need to stay motivated and reach your goals. We’re here to guide you every step of the way.

  • Expert Guidance: Feel secure knowing you're using the right form and techniques, minimizing the risk of injury and maximizing your results with sessions that are planned specifically for your female body.

  • True Transformation: See real progress and start loving the way you look and feel because you’re finally aligning with your body, your cycle, your hormone health and a way of fitness that helps you finally stay consistent.

This is your chance to break free from standard fitness plans, frustration and start a fitness journey that truly empowers you. With our introductory trial offer, you can experience all of this and more. It’s time to take action and invest in the confident, motivated, and fierce version of yourself.

Once you sign up, we will be in touch with next steps, what to expect and booking your discovery call with one of our trainers!

We know that fitness can often feel overwhelming and like you have to workout a certain way (thanks social media) that just isn’t sustainable for your life - we’ve been there!

At Project Fierce we knew there must be a better way for women and we’re here show you that you can actually have a fitness journey that works with your everyday lifestyle:

  • Myth: You Need to Train Hard Every Day to See Results.

  • Reality: Our program is designed to align with your body’s natural rhythms, including your menstrual cycle. By syncing your workouts with your cycle or aligning with your body, you'll maximize results without burning out.

  • Myth: Fitness Means Sacrificing Everything You Enjoy.

    • Reality: We believe in a balanced approach that allows you to enjoy life while making consistent progress. Our personalized plans ensure you’re working towards your goals without feeling deprived.

  • Myth: You Have to Do It All Alone.

    • Reality: With our supportive community and expert trainers, you’re never alone. We provide the accountability, encouragement, and personalized guidance you need to stay motivated and empowered.

  • Myth: The Only Measure of Success is the Scale.

    • Reality: We focus on overall fitness and wellness, emphasizing how you feel, your strength, and your confidence. Our goal is to help you feel fierce and empowered, both inside and out.

Join us and discover a fitness journey that works with your body, not against it. With our introductory trial offer, you’ll experience a program that empowers you to feel strong, confident, and in sync with your natural cycle.

Join Us Today - Click Here To Apply

What you’ll learn

Welcome To…

Your New Fierce Fitness Journey!

At Project Fierce Fitness & Wellness, we believe that every woman deserves to feel strong, confident, and empowered in her fitness journey. That’s why we’ve created an exclusive introductory offer designed to give you a taste of what personalized training can do for you.

What is the Introductory Trial Offer?

Our introductory trial offer is your perfect way to get started with our personalized training programs. For just ??? you can choose between:

  • Two Weeks of Online Personal Training ($49): Enjoy the flexibility of training from anywhere with two personalized weeks and workout plan. These two weeks include detailed questionnaires all about you, a comprehensive first week of 2-3 sessions to understand current fitness levels, your strengths, challenges and create a customized focus for key areas of improvement for week 2! You’ll start with hands-on support to help you get started on the right foot and set up for success! These weeks will also include feedback on your sessions, weekly check in and access to our online support community so you have a fully immersive experience of how interactive our online personal training is. You will also schedule a 30 minute discovery call within that time to talk more about you and your goals. This option is perfect for those with busy schedules or who prefer to work out at home.

  • Two In-Person Training Sessions ($79): Experience one-on-one training tailored to your unique needs, fitness level, and goals. This session includes a comprehensive consultation and first session to understand current fitness levels, your strengths, challenges and create a customized focus for key areas of improvement for your second session! You’ll start with hands-on support to help you get started on the right foot and set up for success!

Why We Offer This:

We know that starting a new fitness routine can be daunting, and committing to a long-term program without experiencing it first can feel risky. Our introductory trial offer is designed to:

  • Reduce Worry: Provide an affordable way to experience our personalized training without a long-term commitment so you know it’s right for you and put your mind at ease.

  • Showcase Our Training: Give you a firsthand look at the benefits of working with our expert trainers and being part of our supportive community.

  • Build Confidence: Help you gain confidence in your abilities and see the potential for real transformation in your fitness journey.

  • Support Your Goals: Introduce you to a program that aligns with your body’s natural rhythms, focuses on female fitness, empowering you to feel fierce and in control of your fitness journey.

Join Us and Transform Your Fitness Experience

Take the first step towards a stronger, healthier, and more confident you. With our $49 online or $79 in person introductory trial offer, you can start your journey with expert guidance, personalized support, and a community that’s dedicated to helping you succeed.

What’s Included In Our Program

  • Receive customized workout plans inside your personal app, designed specifically for your body and fitness goals. Personalize other aspects such as how many workouts you do each week, length of session, and your access to equipment at home or the gym. All your workouts have video demos on every exercise, instruction (reps, weight, etc), and personal notes to help you in your session.

  • Receive personalized feedback on your sessions based on the videos of your exercises and notes that you submit on your workout. Feedback comes directly from your trainer as written notes or video where we speak directly to you as if you were right there with us in a 1:1 session!

  • Regular check-ins for accountability, progress tracking, and ongoing support in areas such as mood, stress, sleep, nutrition, and your menstrual cycle.

  • Workouts synced with your cycle, optimizing results and boosting confidence.

  • Connect with a supportive community of like-minded women for motivation and growth inside our private messaging.

  • Connect directly with your trainer with private messaging throughout the week if you need support, tips, ideas, or have any questions.

  • Receive personalized support for more of your overall health and wellness that might need more attention, such as symptoms during your menstrual cycle, stress management, nutrition guidance, and other symptoms that might be related to hormonal issues.

  • Connect with your trainer & other women on this journey with you inside our monthly live training calls, where we cover topics to learn more about connecting to your female body or challenges we’ve seen regularly come up in weekly check-ins, so we can come together to feel fierce.

  • Connect with your trainer 1:1 to discuss your specific journey inside the program, focusing on areas that have been a success, what has been a challenge & personal goals or focuses that will help you feel fierce.

About Us At

Project Fierce

At Project Fierce we are all about empowering women to embrace their bodies and discover their true strength to feel fierce!!

Our personalized approach is centered around syncing fitness and wellness with the natural rhythms of your body, creating workouts that make you feel fierce, confident, and unstoppable.

Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or just beginning your journey, we tailor our programs to your unique needs, from menstrual cycle-based workouts and strategies focused on endometriosis or pregnancy and postpartum.

Join our supportive community of fierce women, where you’ll find guidance, motivation, and the tools to transform your life.

Let's work together to unlock your potential and unleash the fierce warrior within you!

Ready to start finding your fierce?

Join our trial offer of two weeks online personal training or two 1-1 personal training sessions and take the first step toward a stronger, more confident, fierce you!

Click here to complete an application form

If you decide to join our full 'Find Your Fierce’ program after your trial experience, your trial payment will be taken off of your first month of training!

Intro Trial Offer



  • Both! You'll have the option once you sign up to choose between the one in-person 1:1 session if you are local to us, or the online personal training option!

    *If you are local and choose to join our full program after your trial, this is hybrid program, so you will have access to both in person and online.

  • As soon as you're signed up, we will get you set up and scheduled asap! You will receive communication on next steps once you've signed up.

  • The online personal training $49 introductory trial offer includes:

    • Two Weeks of Online Training: Weekly personalized workout plans, regular feedback on your sessions, communication and access to our online support community.

    The in-person $79 introductory trial offer includes:

    • Two Session/Two Weeks In-Person Training Sessions: Personalized coaching, fitness assessment, and setting you up for success.

  • Simply CLICK HERE and complete the application form. After you have applied, you will complete payment for your selected trial offer and will then receive a confirmation email with further instructions to book your first session or start your online training and schedule your discovery call.

  • Once you’ve signed up and completed the payment, you’ll:

    1. Receive a Confirmation Email: This email will include next steps to start your trial and details on how to schedule your discovery call.

    2. Book Your Discovery Call: During this call, we’ll discuss more about you, your fitness goals, details on our full 'Find Your Fierce' program and answer any of your questions.

    3. Start Your Training: Begin your personalized training experience and start working towards your goals.

  • Here's the great thing - if you decide to join our full 'Find Your Fierce' program once you've completed your trial, your trial payment will be taken off of your first monthly payment!

    If you decide to end your training experience with us after the trial then no, your trial payment is non-refundable. This ensures that we can allocate our resources effectively and provide the best possible experience for all our clients.

  • Our program is designed to be flexible. Whether you choose in-person or online training, we will work with you to find times that fit your schedule. Online training offers even more flexibility, allowing you to work out anytime and anywhere.

  • The Introductory Trial Offer allows you to choose either the online personal training OR the in-person session training option - not both. If you’re interested in experiencing both, we recommend discussing this in your application form or during your discovery call to see how we can best accommodate your needs.

  • After completing your introductory session or week of online training, we’ll discuss your progress and goals during your discovery call. We’ll then outline how you can continue with our comprehensive 6-month program to further your fitness journey!

  • Absolutely! Our personalized approach means that we tailor your training to your current fitness level, whether you’re a complete beginner or looking to advance your existing routine. Our goal is to make you feel comfortable and confident every step of the way.

  • Our trainers are experienced in working with clients who have various health conditions and injuries. Please inform us of any specific concerns before your trial begins, so we can tailor your training program to accommodate your needs safely and effectively. Please ensure you have clearance from your doctor before starting any fitness program.

  • If you're coming to see us in person, then you don't need anything except a good attitude and a water bottle ha!

    If you're joining us with the online personal training option, you will need resistance bands (both long and short) and either a dumbbell or kettlebell. Nothing much!

  • We understand that we can't always make our schedules match up, however we will always try our best to find a time between you and one of our trainers.

    if we can't make it work with scheduling or time zones, we can communicate via message or voice memo chats and we will add you to our messenger app to do this!

Still have Questions?