First Name
Last Name
Date Of Birth
Are you interested in the Online or In-Person 2-Week Trial?
Online ($49)
In-Person ($79)
Preferred Start Date
Monday's are official start dates with a few days needed to get you set up before that
If you selected In-Person, please list all times you are available for sessions (e.g. Monday 6-8 PM, Wednesday 3-5 PM, etc.)
What are your primary fitness and wellness goals?
Why are you interested in joining the 2-Week Trial at Project Fierce Fitness & Wellness and expectations of the trial?
Do you have any injuries, medical conditions, or other health concerns that we should be aware of? If yes, please describe.
Are you ready to commit to participating fully in the 2-Week Trial? (This includes completing workouts, attending sessions, and engaging in check-ins.)
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this application form! We will review your responses and get back to you shortly with the next steps. If you have any questions in the meantime, please feel free ask them here and we will get back to you with next steps within 48 hours. We're excited to have you join us!
If you would like to schedule your discovery call before starting your trial, follow the link provided to schedule. This will be a brief initial 20 minute call to address any questions or concerns.
If there is a not a time available that works for you, please leave a note in this section.