
Check out what our fierce community are saying about us, or click here for our Google page!

I feel great! I feel for the first time that I am not working against my body. I just feel so much more mentally connected to my body and I feel strong. I feel the most love and compassion for myself and my body that I ever have before. Even when I was at my thinnest I still didn't feel this confident or secure. I'm so thankful. I'm so happy I found you on Google one day! Changed my life.


Atiya is an amazing trainer! My confidence at the gym has increased by 100x thanks to her “Women in Weights” class. I highly recommend any class she is teaching!

—Madeline Ferguson

Love the concept of Project Fierce! I’ve been working with Tiya for 4 months, and am stronger than I’ve ever been.

—Rachel Mintle

I had an amazing experience taking a women in weights class with Atiya! I learned how to build my own workouts, and I feel more confident in my form and overall presence at the gym

—Shea Slonkosky

Amy, Hannah, and Atiya are amazing. I have gained a newfound confidence in myself that I wouldn't have found without these ladies. So grateful for them and their support.

—Casey Smith

I have gained so much confidence since starting training here. It’s an amazing environment and great people!:)

—Angelique Gonzales

Amy and her team are the best out there! Amy really considers whole body health, and I really appreciate how our success is not measured by a scale but more about how I feel or improving that feeling and improving strength. Amy gives attention to women’s health and even plans work outs around your time of the month. I absolutely would not be where I am today physically and mentally without the help of Amy and her weekly workouts!

—Jamie Laskie

I’m so happy a Google search for a personal trainer led me to Amy! She has made me so much more confident in exercising, given me the motivation I needed to try new activities, and taught me the necessary skills to get out and train on my own. She has such a great passion for helping women feel fierce and confident in themselves and I’m forever thankful to have trained with her!

—Anna Salvatorelli

Training with Amy has been everything I was looking for and more. From personalized and curated training, nutrition and lifestyle advice in addition to learning more about how to work with my female body to enhance my fitness experience, I have made structured, progressive and sustainable changes to my health and fitness. Highly recommend!

—Kate Johnson

Amy has been one of the biggest blessings in my life. When I first started with her I was in a place where my confidence was at it’s all time lowest and she is the reason I’m where I’m at today. She helped me find my confidence not only physically but mentally. She believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. I see the lives she changes on a daily basis. She is extremely women empowering and truly is passionate about what she does. She truly cares and wants to see you get to a place not only physically but mentally happy, strong and fierce. She is the reason I found my fierce and I am grateful everyday to have her beautiful soul in my life. I highly recommend Amy, she is truly a blessing to all of those who get the chance to experience her grace, love and guidance to keep pushing forward, to become strong and healthy. She is extremely creative in ensuring workouts are based off of your goals and what you want to achieve. She even hosts events outside of training to meet amazing women working towards the same goals as you. Life is beautiful if we just believe in ourselves and she will help you find that. Thank you Amy, I’m truly blessed to know you and to train with you.

—Jordy Gilmont

Amy is the absolute best to work with and is so knowledgeable around cycle syncing for your health and fitness! I've loved training with her in person!

—Rachel Cox

Amy is an affordable and experienced resource to get healthy or stay healthy from the comfort of your home during a crazy pandemic! She works with the equipment you already have to develop an exercise program you can feel successful with. Her approach specifically to women’s health is special, and leaves you feeling good about the things you’re doing for a better you!

—Julie Nelson

I highly recommend Amy as a trainer! She has an amazing caring energy. She is constantly trying new things that will work for you and changing the workouts so you don’t get bored with the same workouts over and over. Amy’s approach gives you what you need to make a lifestyle change for your health by talking about food choices and providing an online group of people that are working towards similar goals. The online group is a great resource for encouragement and accountability and Amy is right there encouraging you as well. It’s not just a training session for her, she’s with you throughout the rest of the week. Thanks Amy!

—Michelle Prausa

Amy is an absolute powerhouse! If I could give her a million stars, I would. I started with Amy about 4 months ago and so far I have lost 20 pounds and 3% body fat. But MORE importantly, my knowledge in and outside of the gym has sky rocketed. Amy makes sure her clients are educated in all scopes of fitness. She is constantly going above and beyond. Creating challenges, food goals, group meet ups etc. She’a created a fierce group of women who are empowered, confident and strong. In a nutshell Amy is: -intelligent -dedicated -empowering -insightful -motivating -accountable -badass If you have the opportunity to train with Amy, take advantage of it. She is one in a million!

—Leah Beyer

Amy is an amazing trainer! She has a unique style – unmatched! She is passionate about helping women and men reach their goals, both physically and mentally. Her sessions are full of variety even outside the gym where she plans group training meet ups with rewarding, relaxing fun activities. Amy communicates to her clients every day, a truly dedicated and rare trainer. I highly recommend Amy as your personal trainer!

—Jamie Hardy

Amy is an incredible personal trainer and an amazing and kind person. She is extremely dedicated to her job and is so supportive to her clients. Amy helped push me to my body goals and now I feel confident in a bathing suit!! I am very excited to wear my wedding dress in a few weeks. With Amy’s help and encouragement my confidence has been boosted and my energy is much higher!!

—Mindy Readler

Amy is a great personal trainer. She really listens to your goals and concerns. Her workouts are still fun while being challenging. She's constantly changing the workouts, so you won't get bored. She is very knowledgeable, kind, and hardworking. You'll get results with her!

—Kira Elise

I have signed up for countless gyms and temporary diets and crazy weight loss fallacies my entire life. Then my friend and I met Amy and we have been working together every week for over a year now. She listens to your specific goals and is excellent at implementing them. Personal and group training, online courses, online group discussions, partner training, meal plans, personalized work outs, weekly e-mails- Amy Grace does it all. There are multiple projects you can work on with her guidance to balance diet and exercise lifestyles. She cares about individual progress, has perfect attendance, and is incredibly affordable. Amy is very respectful and professional in her career. You can expect from her accountability and results. She knows how to listen to her clients but don't ever think she won't push you to your limit because you will realize soon that you can go way beyond that limit! Should have gone to her years ago. Thanks for everything Amy!

—Madeline Bush

Amy is an amazing trainer! She really cares about her clients and has an amazing community of people come together, whether that be online or on a group Saturday morning workout, to share their experiences of their fitness journey together. She does way more than the bare minimum like other trainers and she will make sure you have everything you need in order to get into shape. Including the nutrition part of your journey! Which she makes just as important as the keeping active part. And when it comes to your personal sessions she is great about every part of the learning process. From how you should breathe properly, to how to stand in the right position to make sure you don’t get hurt! I really appreciate everything she has done for me! She’s the best !

—Taryn Sachen

Amy is amazing. Not only is she getting us motivated to become healthier but we are having so much fun workout and talking with her about our lifestyle change. anyone who is ready to commit to a healthier life should really work with Amy!

—Grace Smith-Heit

Highly recommend Amy! She is a unique personal trainer — awesome workouts, plus wholistic care throughout the week! She structures training through the week, goal setting each month, challenges through the month keep me focused on progress, free Saturday group workouts, weekly check-ins and a connection by a Facebook private Group to other women with similar goals. I feel like I’ve joined a club! One-on-one training sessions are tailored for me, very challenging and my results are awesome!

—Michelle Pandzik

Amy does a great job putting workouts together. She understands the exercises and encourages and (pushes us) to reach our goals. Workouts are challenging and fun. Glad I found a good trainer!

—Lisa Coen

Amy is truly an excellent trainer. She is passionate about fitness and she works with the whole person, mentally, emotionally and physically. She makes each workout challenging, creative and most importantly, fun! Her easy going, friendly personality creates a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere. I recommend her without reservation!!

—Becca Pfiffner

Amy does more than just create workout plans, she helps you eliminate excuses and gets you in the right mindset to accomplish your goals. She's fun, friendly, smart, and yet pushes you to do more and more (both in and out of the gym). I started with Amy in November and then in January, I took her 21day challenge (which is an amazing program, by the way!). Under her coaching and guidance, I am now at 28 lbs total lost in 3.5 months (and still losing like crazy). I am half way to my goal weight, but I know I have the proper foundation and healthy habits to keep losing and keep it off for good!

—Carol Schindler

Amy is a Pocket Rocket ! And she's smoking hot!
She is an inspirational leader who is completely dedicated to growth and results.
It's never just about fitness for me - For me, my independence, self-worth and my self-love was my ultimate goal, and Amy helped me see that it's much much more than just 'health and fitness' - Being healthy was a bi-product, and her system has helped me achieve results inside and out! You're one in a million Miss Grace x

—Keri Li

Amy is amazing - she's taught me how to achieve my fitness goals long term and sustain them. When I needed help with my nutrition, she gave me tips and acted as an accountability partner. When I needed to increase my running pace, she gave me tips and specific workouts. She truly has tailored her style to my needs and I've gotten great results. Thanks for being so great at what you do Amy!

—Kelsie Noe

I joined Amy's 23 day fitness challenge to give my fitness regime a boost and give myself the motivation I needed to stick to a plan and make progress towards achieving my goals of fat loss and body conditioning.

Since having my son 2 years ago I have struggled on and off to loose the last remaining pounds of baby weight. Despite eating healthily and exercising throughout my pregnancy, my son was a big baby and I was two weeks overdue carrying him so I had quite a bit more weight than I expected to loose. At first it came off fast but I really struggled balancing being a full time working mum with reaching my fitness goals. I always thought I would be one of those mums who would 'bounce back' but disappointingly it never happened. I just learned to live with it and accepted that this was the way my body was now. I still went to the gym, still trained 3/4 times a week and ate moderately healthy but gave up on looking or feeling like the old me.

That was until this October when Amy introduced me to her amazing '23 Day Challenge'. I'd always followed her Instagram & fitness blog (which is always full of great tips btw) and thought I had nothing to lose by giving it a shot.

This challenge is by far one of the best things i've done. At the start of the challenge Amy gives you a diet and nutrition plan that compliments the workout plan. This was useful in understanding what I should be eating, how much and when. Amy also recommended a great app to help track my food and this has enormously helped me to plan my meals and be mindful of what I'm consuming and how much nutrition it contains. All the diet recommendations were so easy to follow. I've really struggled sticking to low carb diets before and this plan mixed in some moderate carb days so I didn't feel like I was missing out or wanting to cave into any cravings.

Next we have the online fitness group which Amy gives you access to upon sign up. The online group is full of people like myself: mums, working professionals etc. All are looking to get in shape and loose weight. Having the these fantastic ladies was so motivating and empowering! We had to take post workout selfies every day to demonstrate we had completed the workout, we posted photos of our meals and at the end of each week we posted photos of our progress on the scales. This made me very accountable for my progress in achieving my goals and ensured that even if it was raining, windy, I felt too tired, couldn't be bothered etc that I got my backside off the sofa and did the workout Amy had prepared.

The workouts - Amy's workouts are short and sweet yet very effective in getting your heart rate up and making your muscles feel like they've worked hard. I can always find time to fit in her 23/30 minute workout and when all the ladies are posting their selfies I feel like I have no excuse not to fit it in. Amy also provides different levels of ability to each exercise (easy, medium, hard) and varies the workouts throughout the week so it stays fresh and so you can exercise to your own ability.

Lastly there is the support of Amy herself. Amy is such a positive, knowledgeable, and hands on fitness coach and trainer. She leads by example by following the plan herself and continually checks in with everyone to give advice where needed and make sure we're all on track. In 23 days I have gone from 75kg to 70kg. I now have my flat stomach back, my legs and arms are looking toned and my clothes have got real baggy. Lots of people have commented on how toned I look and one of my HITT instructors at the gym mentioned that she's seen noticeable improvement in my strength and stamina.

I can't recommend Saving Grace Fitness highly enough! Working with Amy and the online group was a great way for people like myself, of any size, shape or fitness level to get a great workout with a top-class professional and lots of lovely, inspiring ladies to boot.

If you're serious about getting in shape once and for all then I would defo recommend signing up to one of Amy's programmes.

—Emily Hayward

Amy is great and motivational!

—Katie Taylor

This class and Amy are amazing! You should definitely come check it out no matter where you are in your fitness goals!

—Bridgette Barney

Cannot say enough good things about Amy as a person and as a trainer. I've worked with other trainers before and she has surpassed my expectations. She truly cares about you and your journey and will go above and beyond to help you reach those goals. She really makes it challenging but gives me the confidence to get through the work out. I always feel comfortable and am excited for whatever she has planned for me. She keeps me focused and accountable to my weight loss journey, which is what I need. I not only train with her during the week at Absolute Fitness in Kettering, but she also teaches a group exercise class at MVP on Saturday at 10 am in Kettering. I highly recommend you attend it! It's such a positive class with positive women encouraging each other. I could truly go on and on about this lady! But you should check her out for yourself! She's awesome!

—Jasmine Price

I've been training with Amy for 5 weeks now. Lost 12lbs so far. She really focuses on your personal fitness goals - whatever they may be. She's strong, fun, kind and very motivating. She always keeps it interesting and I'm never bored. Looking forward to future fat loss and muscle gain! Thanks Amy!

—Keri Bunker

Amy is absolutely amazing! Just in a month my body has transformed. She changes the workout each week, making it more difficult and more fun. I've worked out my whole life and this is the first time I looked forward to going to the gym. She keeps track of your diet and gives recommendations each week on how you can improve. I have so much more strength and endurance for mountain biking and dirt biking. I would recommend Amy to anyone who wants to lose weight or just tone up.

—Candace Tarjanyi

Amy is awesome! I was having trouble with motivation and self esteem. I decided to hire a personal trainer and I can honestly say this is one of the best decisions I've ever made. I've not just lost inches, I've gained confidence and a new perspective on life. Amy is an expert on knowing just the right workouts to get you where you need to be to reach your goals. She is also an expert on nutrition and diet which happens to be my weakness. She spends time talking to me about food and what I can do to make better choices. I look forward to my workouts with her because I know she's going to help me reach my goals!

—Maryam Carly

I started going here about a month ago, and I see Amy Grace. She is WONDERFUL! She is so sweet, and makes you feel completely comfortable when you are with her. She set out a goal with me, has helped me with the nutrition aspect of it, and she has really good workouts. Her workouts have been different every session, which keeps me excited, and they seem like they target my whole body every time. If you are looking to find someone who you can connect with and get results...see Amy.

—Kathleen Evans

A month ago, I was on and off painkillers most of the time, feeling tired and shivery every evening, and thought I was never going to feel normal again. But the workout program made by Saving Grace Fitness has been amazing in turning my general health around, I feel (touch wood!) like I am much more like my normal self already. Thank you for all the time and thought you have put into structuring this package for me. Hoping month 2 will keep making me fitter and stronger!!!

—Jennifer Bronder

Amy has been training my husband and myself for about 5 months now, and we consistently reflect on how this has been one of the best decisions we've ever made.

Amy is the perfect blend of professional and friendly-- she pushes us, listens to us, and is always prepared to make us work. She follows through when she says she'll do something, like send us a recipe or work out to do on weekends, and she's always got a positive attitude. She is constantly open to adjusting-- if something is too challenging or not challenging enough, her expertise allows her to make a change on the spot to maximize our time during sessions. We always leave absolutely drenched in sweat.

We've seen improvements in weight, strength, energy level, and overall quality of life since we started with Amy, and we intend to keep up our sessions with her for as long as we live in the area.

—Jessica Brubaker

Love working out with Amy. She really pushes me to accelerate my fitness goals, while customizing my workouts to fit my individual needs and limitations. Met my first goal today… 5 lbs and 1 clothing size down in 1 month!

—Marianne Moots

Amy is a great trainer. Her knowledge and experience from training many years in top clubs in London, England is evident. I experienced immediate results! In addition Amy makes working out enjoyable by varying the workouts and personalizing them. It is the quickest hour of the week for me. If you want results, I can't recommend Amy enough!!

— Robin Grace

Amy is fantastic - and really knows what she is talking about! I cannot recommend her more. After all she helped me get in my wedding dress!

— Vicky Fernandes

I love your energy....

— Liliana Rodriguez

Very practical advice and tasty recipes can't wait for next weeks blog good luck.

— Carol O’Connell