Meet The Trainers

Amy Grace

Hey! I’m Amy, owner & certified personal trainer here at Project Fierce Fitness & Wellness! Personal Trainer, Women’s Fitness Specialist & Hormonal Health Coach

If I’m not cuddling my two cats (Rocky & Mesa), making a frothy coffee or planning some hiking trips on my vision board, you’ll find me helping women feel FIERCE!

I’ve been training women for 10 years & during that time, figured out there must be a better way for women to workout, get strong & actually stay consistent with their plan for once (hello the introduction of training based on your menstrual cycle!)

I couldn’t figure out why one week I’d feel amazing in the gym & smash my session but the next week find it so hard to even drag myself to the front door - well, because I’d been ignoring something I’d lived with for yearssss (my period). I literally didn’t know the impact it had on my life.

Then came my endometriosis, which is story for a different day! Ha!

This is what we are all about at Project Fierce - a hub of fitness & wellness for women to find their fierce!

Download my free guide ‘The Exercise With Endometriosis Starter Guide’ - Tap Here

Atiya Adams

Certified Personal Trainer

Hi I am Atiya!!

I grew up in Idaho and went to college at Colorado State University for Geology.

I love being outside and moving. My favorite activities include backpacking, skiing, and paddle boarding.

My love of fitness started in high school with sports and weight training. Since then I’ve focused mainly on strength and weight training.

My main goal is to help my clients on their journey to developing a positive relationship with their bodies and fitness.

I love seeing clients gain strength and confidence to become their fiercest version of themselves.

Download my free guide ‘A Workout For Each Phase Of Your Cycle’ - Tap Here!

Hannah Crenwelge

Certified Personal Trainer

I grew up in California and went to college at University of Arizona where I studied business administration and leadership.

I am a wife and busy mom of 3 little ones. They drive me to be a better version of myself and to find my fierce!

I got my start as a trainer in group fitness settings in 2017 where my passion for fitness began to grow.

After becoming a mom in 2018, I knew I wanted my reach to expand specifically to women and moms. I became a birth and postpartum doula to provide that support to new moms and to guide them through the most vulnerable and unfamiliar stage of life.

Through personal training with Project Fierce, I hope to help women embrace the beauty that our bodies hold and to support our bodies through our cycles, into motherhood, postpartum, and beyond!

Download my free guide ‘4 Essentials To Returning To Movement Postpartum’ - Tap Here!

female personal trainer

Lacey Eaden

Certified Personal Trainer & Registered Dietitian

When I was a teenager, I developed a very bad relationship with food and fitness.

Under-fueling and over-exercising eventually led to severe gut and hormone imbalances. It took me YEARS to learn how to reverse these issues. I created Fuel & Heal because I want to show people how to use nutrition and fitness to heal their chronic symptoms, achieve their goals, AND feel the happiest and healthiest they've ever felt.

I knew that my behaviors were unhealthy, but I was horrified to gain weight. I thought, "Maybe if I become a dietitian then I can learn how to fix myself". I began my studies and sought professional guidance from two functional sports dietitians as well as a personal trainer. With lots of education and trust, I started eating more food and swapped cardio for strength training. Week by week I watched myself gain knowledge, muscle, strength (physical and emotional) and happiness. At this point, I knew I wanted to help others do the same exact thing.