How Your Period Changes Your Exercise Routine

When you align your fitness routine with your menstrual cycle, you'll notice significant changes in how your body responds to exercise during different phases. Understanding and syncing your workouts with your cycle can help you maintain consistency, prevent burnout, and optimize your fitness journey. Here's how your period can change your exercise routine and what you can do to stay active and healthy.

Everyone is so different and there isn’t a set list of what to do or not to do on your period, syncing to your cycle is all about understand YOUR individual needs.

Understanding the Impact of Your Menstrual Cycle on Exercise

During your period, especially if you have conditions like endometriosis, your energy levels and physical capabilities can fluctuate significantly. Here's what to expect and how to adapt your workouts:

Day 1-2: The Start of Your Period

For many women with endometriosis, the first couple of days of menstruation are accompanied by intense pain, fatigue, and low energy levels. Here's what you can do:

  • Gentle Movement: Activities like gentle yoga or light stretching can help ease muscle tension and reduce pain. Even a short, gentle walk can be beneficial.

  • Rest: Don’t feel guilty about taking a day or two off. Rest is crucial for recovery and overall well-being.


"On day 1 of my period, especially with endometriosis, my pain is intense. Making a cup of tea is the most activity I can manage. Maybe a 10-minute gentle yoga session to ease my tight muscles from the pain is all I can handle."

Mid-Period: Adjusting Your Workouts

As you move into the middle of your period, you might start to feel a bit better, but energy levels can still be low.

  • Modified Strength Training: Keep your strength training sessions, but modify them based on your energy levels. Use lighter weights, do fewer reps, or focus on less intense exercises.

  • Low-Impact Cardio: Activities like walking, swimming, or cycling at a gentle pace can help maintain your fitness without overexerting yourself.


"Many of our clients, even those without endo, notice a shift in mindset and motivation. They may not want to move as much or have the energy to do so. We adjust their strength training to meet their needs with lighter weights and fewer reps, focusing on exercises that are still important but less intense."

Late Period: Building Back Up

Towards the end of your period, you might start to regain energy and feel more like your usual self.

  • Increase Intensity Gradually: Slowly start to increase the intensity of your workouts. This can include adding more weight, increasing reps, or incorporating more challenging exercises.

  • Listen to Your Body: Pay close attention to how your body feels and adjust your workouts accordingly. Some women may feel ready to return to their regular routine, while others may still need to take it easy.


"For some people, they might not notice a significant need for a change in their training. They may just need small adjustments or actually find that letting off some steam from period mood swings is beneficial."

The Importance of Syncing to Your Cycle

Everyone’s experience with their period is different, which is why syncing your exercise routine to your cycle is so important. This personalized approach helps you:

  • Maintain Consistency: By adjusting your workouts to align with your menstrual cycle, you can stay consistent with your fitness routine without overexerting yourself.

  • Prevent Burnout: Listening to your body and giving it what it needs can prevent burnout and help you avoid injury.

  • Optimize Results: Tailoring your workouts to your cycle can help you achieve better results and make your fitness journey more enjoyable.

What Changes Do You Make to Your Exercise Routine During Your Period?

Every woman’s body is unique, and the key to a successful fitness journey is finding what works best for you. By understanding how your period affects your body and adapting your exercise routine accordingly, you can stay active, healthy, and empowered.

Download our free guide on ‘Exercise with Endometriosis’ to learn more about aligning your fitness routine with your body’s needs. Take the first step towards a more empowered and balanced life. 💜

Exercise during period / Syncing exercise with menstrual cycle / Fitness with endometriosis / Period and exercise routine / Personalized fitness plan for women / Menstrual cycle and workouts /Adjusting workouts for your period


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