Can You Relate? Body Image Going Downhill the Closer You Get to Your Period?

Hands up if your period makes you talk down to yourself? 🙋🏻‍♀️ As hormone levels change (estrogen & progesterone take a drop) the closer you get to your period, you might notice this change gets taken out on your mood toward yourself and your body. We’ve all been there!

You also might feel more: ✨ Irritated ✨ Snappy ✨ Bloated ✨ Sluggish

All these factors contribute to your body image taking a downhill spiral. But fear not! Let’s go over some actionable points to help you manage these feelings the next time you’re on the verge of your period.

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1. Talk to Yourself Like a Friend

Would you tell a friend she looks fat today? No way! You'd be horrified if you heard someone say that. So, don’t do it to yourself. Say some positive affirmations and recognize how much progress you’ve made both physically and mentally. Remind yourself of the amazing things your body does for you every day.

2. Reflect on Your Achievements

Take some time to reflect on the achievements you’ve made, whether it’s lifting weights, running, or any other accomplishment, big or small. Focus on the next achievements you want to crush and use this positive energy to uplift your mood.

3. Take a Social Media Detox

Sometimes, social media can amplify negative feelings. Spend some time away from it and engage in activities that make you happy. This could be reading a book, going for a walk, or spending time with loved ones.

4. Surround Yourself with Support

Enjoy some time with friends or people who help you feel supported. Positive social interactions can significantly improve your mood and help you feel better about yourself.

5. Unwind and Destress

This is the perfect time to indulge in some self-care. Whether it’s taking a long bath, practicing yoga, or simply relaxing with a good movie, give yourself the care you deserve.

6. Choose Comfy Clothes

If certain clothes trigger negative feelings, create some cute and comfy go-to options that make you feel good. Don’t force yourself to wear things you don’t feel comfortable in. No one likes a pair of tight jeans on their period! Dress in a way that makes you feel comfortable and confident.

7. Educate Yourself

This is a great time to read more about your cycle. Understanding the hormonal fluctuations can help you realize that these feelings are completely normal. Books on body image and positivity can also provide valuable insights and tips.

8. Sync with Your Cycle

The more in sync you are with your cycle, the more routines you can have in place to support yourself when you know you might have low body image. Start tuning into your body with our free guide, "A Workout for Each Phase of Your Cycle," available in the bio!

By understanding and respecting your body's natural rhythms, you can better manage the emotional and physical challenges that come with your menstrual cycle. Remember, you're not alone in this, and there are ways to feel fierce and confident throughout every phase.

Body image during period /Managing period emotions /Hormonal fluctuations and mood /Positive self-talk during period /Self-care during menstrual cycle /Comfortable clothing for period /Understanding menstrual cycle /Period empowerment plan /Syncing workouts with menstrual cycle /Fitness for hormonal health


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