8 Fitness Tips To Start The New Year Feeling Fierce

Amy here - Today marks 8 years since I left the UK and made the big move across the pond to the US! I really can’t believe it’s been that long already, so much has happened in that time (well, it is a quarter of my life ha! wait, woah what! I’ve been in the US a quarter of my life!!) & as we step into a new year, I wanted to keep the theme and share 8 tips to help you set yourself up for a fierce year on your fitness journey, to feel empowered, build strength and boost confidence!

  1. Know Your Why
    Before making any commitments, dive into your motivations. What is driving you to kickstart a fitness plan? Whether it's reclaiming your energy, boosting confidence, or embracing a healthier lifestyle, understanding your 'why' is the bedrock of a successful fitness journey.

    2. Sync To Your Body
    Your body is your unique superpower, especially when it comes to the flow of your menstrual cycle. Syncing your workouts with your menstrual cycle sets you up to embrace your body's rhythms and align the highs and lows of each phase for optimal results. It's not just about exercising; it's about working with your body, not against it.

    3. Personalized Plans
    Say goodbye to generic workout plans and winging it on random YouTube videos. Put in the time and effort to enroll in a program that offers personalized fitness plans tailored to your individual needs, takes into consideration your cycle, goals, and lifestyle. It's not just about getting fit; it's about discovering your unique path to fierceness.

    4. Build Consistency, Not Burnout
    Consistency is the key, but so is preventing burnout. Find the balance between intensity and recovery and not just a New Years resolution that you go all in on for two weeks and then have no energy to carry on with. No more erratic routines that leave you drained—our approach ensures you stay consistent, building strength without the risk of exhaustion.

    5. Community of Fierceness
    Starting on a fitness journey is more than a solo mission; it's about being part of a community of other like minded women who uplift, motivate, and celebrate each other's victories. Your motivation is going to keep at a high if you feel excited to keep it that way!

    6. Educate Yourself, Empower Yourself
    Knowledge is power, especially in fitness. Learn about your body, understand your feminine flow, unique needs and empower yourself with the tools to sustain lifelong wellness. This should be a lifelong lifestyle, not a quick fix or crash plan that leaves you back at square one every two weeks.

    7. Holistic Wellness
    This is a big focus for many of our clients this year who have gone past the year after year mindset of obsessing about weight loss or what they’re going to look like in a bikini in 6 months time. Fitness and wellness isn't just about what happens in the gym (or your living room, wherever you workout), it should be an overall holistic wellness approach—nourishing your body, mind and long term health. This could include nutrition, self-care and mindfulness, ensuring you feel fierce inside and out.

    8. Set Realistic Goals
    Lastly, set realistic goals that align with your expectations but also your reality. Small, consistent victories will keep you feeling motivated and empowered to keep showing up to yourself, even after the new year high has worn off.

Starting a fitness journey is not just a resolution; it's a commitment to yourself. With Project Fierce Fitness & Wellness, it's not just about toning up or losing weight; it's about becoming fierce—inside and out.

Are you to be your best self and feel fierce in 2024?

Tell me more about you HERE in our discovery form and we can plan to chat more!


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